december 6, 1999

One day rushes into another in December, the leaves have all fallen and the cold weather really brings about dismal feelings in my friends. I rather like the seclusion and occasional emptiness that comes with these cold days and colder nights. I like curling up in my bed next to the kerosene heater and oooh the smell of the gas and warmth sends me into blissful slumber. I spent most of the afternoon in such a state - the cash from Saturday nights tips still in a jar and relatively untouched on my desk.

My little soap opera life gets better by the minute! Gena stopped by in the late afternoon before I went to work and had kind of a serious look about her. She said she wanted to talk. She said that she really liked me a lot in the past few days we'd been hanging out and asked if I'd like to go out with her sometime. "Like a date?" I asked. "Yeah like a date." She replied. Wow. I don't think I've ever been really asked out by a girl. My relationships always just seem to happen out of the blue. Like one minute I'm talking friendly with a girl and the next minute we're kissing on her front porch.

I accepted her invitation happily. ChI hasn't spoken to me much over the past few days and I really feel the need to get out and meet more people especially girls. In a lot of ways I connect easier with women than I do with the majority of men that I am friends with. I can tolerate most women for longer periods of time than most men. I say most because there are some obvious exceptions to this rule.

There was no kissing or fucking or anything (damn!), Gena left just as quietly as she had come over - though in a much better mood. I hadn't told her about me and ChI, though I am sure she knows who ChI is - they hang out in similar art circles and they both are friends with Jen and Steve.

I discovered a scanner in the office at work so the other night I scanned a few pictures to put up on this website - it's a little tricky uploading them stealthily from a floppy disk at work to Tripod to play with them but I guess those are the breaks eh? I found a picture of ChI as well, it's not a great one but it's the most decent one I have of her in digital form.

Work was exhausting, as much as I love the subrocket I hate working there. Never work at a bar you enjoy going to as it will ruin your impression of the place. With each passing late evening into early morning it is wearing on me more and more. It's good money though (better than most places around here) and the staff is pretty hip. I'm not really friends outside of work with any of them though - that's another bad idea to mix your friends and your employment. I worked with Steve for a brief time when we were both cooks at this little grill north of town called Cherri's. I nearly killed him for talking to me all day when I was working. I think we both realized that our friendship was more important than a job at a little diner.

Also, I found in my email tonight (checked from work of course) that the chick from blklstd accepted my site into her webring. This surprised the hell out of me for several reasons. Number one - she had nothing but cynical words to say about it when I initially submitted my writing. Secondly, I sparked quite a debate about her site on this journal mailing list called diary-l. I think some other person on the list ratted me out and now I'm in the damn ring. *shrug* Oh well, my site is #13 and that's pretty cool.


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations