april 19, 2000

Chatted with Maria on ICQ for about an hour last night. The little conversations we've had have been quite interesting. Talking to my female readers is fascinating from the perspective that I wonder how I manage not to come off as an arrogant misogynist. Well, perhaps that last sentence was an oxymoron. It has always amazed me that I seem to have a more loyal female reader base than male.

Maybe I'm that guy. You know, the guy who sits across the bar when you're out with your girlfriend and you just get this vibe from him. This vibe like he's out for something, he's out to woo your girlfriend when you're in the bathroom - then wisk her away from the bar under your nose to make passionate love to her all night.. To fuck her like you never could. I'm the guy that brings her flowers the next day and actually calls. I'm the guy who's name she says in bed when she's back with you. I'm the guy she's always thinking about when she's alone and the guy she always compares you to.

[laugh] Is this why guys don't like me? That whole scenario is just a fantasy anyway, that shit never happens. It's only a figment in the imagination of insecure alpha males who want to think that they're the best in bed that their girlfriend has ever had. It's their nervous tic, and they want to kick the asses of 'guys like me' everywhere.

Let me be honest with you guys. I don't really like your girlfriend much anyway.


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations