Fun little trip to DC on saturday night, singer-girl and I went to a fetish club whose name I now forget - spending an evening drinking thick beer and watching people get spanked in the corner. She was really into it so I walked around with her for a while just kind of taking it all in. I was really posing, I borrowed a pair of leather pants from Steve and singer-girl did my hair and put some makeup on me. I looked like Robert Smith on a bad day. We were propositioned twice by other women who wanted us to come to their hotel room. Neither singer-girl or I were really into that idea, though we both thought the second woman was very attractive. And here you thought the story was going to get interesting eh? Some electronic-industrial band was playing, the kind of music that makes me think I have a heart murmur. It was really loud and difficult to have a conversation - even in the back of the club, so we left around 1am. I drove all the way back home while singer-girl (drunk) teased me about the women who had propositioned us. I admitted to her that I thought they were serious and wondered what we would have gotten ourselves into had we gone with them. With a look of composure and the most sober I'd heard her speak all night she said, "Nothing like this I'm sure...", unzipped my pants, leaned over across the emergency brake, and took me completely in her mouth. This was her big surprise. I'm certain that I was swerving a bit on the highway - it was hard to concentrate on anything with her head moving in my lap. How gloriously white-trash sexy it is to get a blowjob while driving an old big black ford truck. (and no, there's no cruise control - not in an '84) Her spontaneity and devilishness blew me away - I am becoming more enamoured of her every day. We stopped for coffee at a gas station about halfway back and got in pretty late. We didn't go to sleep when we got home. She was all I could think about and seconds after we got in the door we were on the bed, moving the bed until 4am when we both finally passed out.
Today, Monday, is a cold grey day. I don't plan on doing much of anything but staying home and reading. I hope singer-girl stops by this afternoon when she gets off work. I'm chuckling to myself about the "hold back the edges of your gowns ladies, we're about to go through hell" comment in my guestbook.
me - people - libations |