Singer-girl has just got to stop getting up so early. It's getting me into a routine of rising around 9:30am, adding a few hours to my day but taking away a few hours of precious sleep. I can't go back to bed once she's up, the warm spot on the bed slowly loses its heat. The smell of coffee from the kitchen mixed with the faint smell of her morning cigarette from the next room is just too enticing. She works during the day and I work in the evenings, a rather unfortunate combination - fortunately her music allows her enough money to only work 3 daytimes a week. We spend a lot of the other 4 days together. I'm contemplating getting a new job. The subrocket is getting rather old and as far as advancement goes it doesn't look promising. The atmosphere is great - loud, rowdy, smoke filled pool hall - but the pay isn't. I've been struggling these past few weeks. A friend who works at a swanky businessman-martini type place downtown has offered me a bartending gig there. It pays nearly twice what I'm making at the subrocket with more reasonable hours. Singer-girl really wants me to take the job. ------------ Singer-girl had so much fun at the fetish club we went to last weekend in DC that she wants to go back. There's nothing even remotely resembling that sort of thing in this town. I think she wants Jen and Steve to come with us but I really doubt they'll go. Steve is into the 'art' culture aspect of events like that but he doesn't like being around it for hours. I'd be happy if they came - it would give me someone to talk to anyway while Jen and singer-girl are off running around getting spanked or whatever it is that they do. If she talks to me in bed like she did last week after we went up there I'm all for another trip. I tell you, things come out of her mouth that I haven't ever heard a woman say outside of a porn movie.
me - people - libations |