Errr I suppose anyone who's read my writings here for a little while probably realizes that I don't update every day. Occasionally I have a few days in a row where I'll write feverishly and then let the damn thing sit for a week stewing in its own juices. These episodes of irresponsibility may have something to do ith why I can't keep a girlfriend for very long. Interestingly enough singer-girl and I are still doing well, engaged in little fights now and then but still happy. She gives me a lot of grief for some of my bad habits, which occasionally hits a nerve and I spit back. I like that kind of reaction though, for too long I'd been in short, complacent relationships with pretty but unstable women. ChI straightened me out like a nail in just 8 short months of knowing her. Singer-girl and I have plans to go to DC this weekend for some sort of fetish club exhibition that she's been to before. It sounds like an interesting trip, and I'm curious to see her outfits as well. Just looking at her you wouldn't really imagine that she owns as many pairs of vinyl pants as she does. She says I need to find something to wear because it will be more expensive for me to get in if I'm not in some sort of fetish garb. So now I'm wracking my brain trying to think who I know that has a wacky outfit I can borrow to fit in. She also promises (with a slight wicked grin) that she has a surprise for me if I go with her. I'm not crazy folks....
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