march 22, 2000

I was reading back over some of my old entries this morning and thinking about a moniker someone gave me as a 'harlequin romance novel journaler'. Adopting the soft-core porn aspect of writing, the details of my encounters are nowhere near as intense as they are in person - however I guess they're just scintillating enough to provoke some pretty interesting email responses. 99% of the people who ever email me from the site are women. As a self-described insensitive and forward man, how do I appeal to women? Is it that kind of machismo allure? The stereotype of the hairy chested, gold chains and cowboy boots wearing, swank apartment having swinger?


Sometimes I wonder how other people must percieve me through my writing. It's kind of like driving at night with sunglasses on - you can only see the headlights of oncoming cars and little else. The brightest, most obvious points are easy to distinguish from the rest - it's just hard to see how fast you're going.

Singer-girl and I had a good laugh this morning over something I'd said after we woke up. The funny thing about that post-orgasm cuddling period is that things will come out of your mouth that you probably wouldn't say in a normal conversation. I'm sure that most of you know what I am talking about. Why do you think that the enemy always tried to seduce James Bond with these beautiful women? Because they KNEW that after one blowjob he'd be giving up all of his plans. Bond, however, was too cunning for that.

Lowly mortals like you or I, however, let statements like, "I like you" slip out. Singer-girl looked at me with a smile and a chuckle and said, "What the hell does that mean? I hope so! Do you usually fuck the girls you don't like?" We both laughed. I think it was more the relaxed, dreamy tone I used when I said, "I like you" that had her laughing so hard. So, for the rest of the morning she did her best Dean imitation and every five minutes said, "I like youuuuuu".


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations