Like cracked wheat, my eyes are barely opening in the morning. It takes a good few minutes of rubbing cold water into them in order to see the world clearly, even then the world is still blurry with sleep. So, to give you an idea of what my days usually look like, I'm offering this snapshot:
- I awake.
- Actually get out of bed and put some clothes on (I sleep naked you see). I stumble to the bathroom and throw some water on my face to wake up a little more.
- Start some coffee in the kitchen and read the paper, perhaps have a cigarette or two. Recently I have been feeling so exhausted in the morning that I have absolutely no desire for a morning smoke. To think about it even now nauseates me.
- As I look at my watch and realize it's nearly noon I go to take a shower. After ten minutes of fucking with the water pressure and banging on the pipes I'm finally able to complete my first real accomplishment of the day.
- Clothing myself quickly I head out the door with a cigarette behind my ear and my book under my arm - off to get another cup of coffee and then run some errands. If I have no errands I'll usually stop by Jen and Steves (it's on the way to my fav. coffeshop) or browse the antique store by the subrocket. If I'm really starved for attention I might even go to the subrocket to check my email and update my journal.
My afternoons are rarely planned but I rarely stay at home. I enjoy being out and running errands or seeing people. I used to spend them with ChI mostly but now I've got more free time.
- Get a bite to eat before work.
- My shift at the subrocket starts. I'm usually a few minutes early to check my email, etc.
- The rabble start trickling into the bar. The period between 8:30pm and closing is the time that I love and hate. I love it for the fact that there are an endless stream of reltively interesting people that come in and conversation is always good. The college-age kids are the worst part though drunkenly fraternizing and high-fiving buddies over doing one too many shots and puking all over the bathroom. They're terrible.
I really like the regulars. There's Roger, the older bearded man who always sits nearest the beer taps. He comes in around 9:30pm usually and stays until around midnight. He says his wife, "Makes me go out a-drinkin' and chattn wit de pretty gurls". I like Roger. Rarely coherent but always honest - he's given me advice scores of times and hasn't been wrong yet.
- The crowds usually taper down a bit around two am. I start cleaning up after last call and chat with anyone left sitting at the bar.
- I go home to bed, if I am lucky. Usually I'll stay up reading until about 4 or until I finally pass out from exhaustion.
Exciting, eh? There are quite a few variables I left out which change frequently, but this is the general schedule of my day. If I had any more free time during daylight hours I'd probably be considered a vagrant. I try to stay at home at least a little and write but lately this sunshine has been too tempting to remain indoors much.