It's a fucking gorgeous day here, and aside from spending it outside I am cramped inside my room working on a slow 14.4 connection on a borrowed (well I stole Steve's password) internet connection. The incense in the corner is getting to be a bit too much - trying desperately to cover up the ever-present smell of cigarette smoke and the pot wafting in from downstairs. My own damn fault for living in an old house above hippies. I got off early from work last night and decided to head over to the bar next door to see what was going on. Singer-girl was playing to my surprise! I hid in the back drinking my budweiser and smoking my cheap cigarettes as I watched her play. I could see the men at the bar turn their heads and eye her and it gave me a sort of cheap thrill. I doubt she saw me during her first set but when she went on break she walked by me, noticed me, and sat down for a beer and some shots. She's been a lot more friendly and sly to my since Sunday night. She touched my leg under the table, running her fingers up to within an inch of my crotch. She sipped her beer and talked about how tired she was and how she really didn't feel like playing. I was having a really hard time listening to what she said - my mind completely distracted by the sexual tension and complete turn-on of the moment. She got up to go play, kissing me on the cheek and whispering for me to call her. I left shortly after, walking home early to a warm but empty bed.
I've smoked damn near a half pack of cigarettes today thinking of her.
me - people - libations |