february 15, 2000

Weather is beautiful today.

I had sex with singer-girl last night. It wasn't good at all. She kept insisting that I wear a cowboy hat and click my heels together. She has a horrendous body, all misshapen and disformed. Her breasts sagged pitifully and her beautiful face suddenly became pale and with sunken features. When I thrust inside her she let out a cackle of disapointment, rocking with me only long enough for her own disturbing orgasm and then pushing me away and going to sleep.

It's no use. I can't even convince myself that I don't want her - it's gone beyond a crush at this point.. I need her. This coming from me! I haven't ever felt like I needed someone before we even kissed.. God these fantasies I have of her are running wild like fire and uncontrolled. I'm sure she must know.

I am obsessed with a woman who fucks with my intuition harder than even we fuck in my fantasies.


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations