january 12, 2000

Klepto girl stopped by unexpectedly in the afternoon while ChI was out running some errands today. We sat and talked for a little while until she left, leaving her pack of cigarettes on the table. I wonder about her motives sometimes. She's obviously interested in me, and has been for some time. She even came damn close to stalking me a year ago. Now I think the prospect of ChI leaving town has opened up options for her as far as pursuing me goes. I want little to do with her, she's an emotional bag that I don't want to go picking through - especially right now.

I left the apartment before ChI returned, walking up the warm street to get a cup of coffee and chat with a few of my old friends from the coffeeshop. A few of the trendier college-age kids sitting outside watched me pass and whispered something about my pants. They're dirty. I've worn them for a week and a half now - adventuring, working, and fucking (out) in them. I stopped by the Subrocket to check my mail and update this page where there was an interesting bit of mail from Rachel, the woman who runs Blklstd.

I must say that the email I sent her probably wasn't too nice, but I really wonder why she's moved me around. She cites the reason that it's because I hadn't updated in a while. A valid point. She mentioned several times that I lacked "balls" to do one thing or another. Among them - use my real name and keep a journal that lived up to the #13 slot. I'm curiously awaiting who is in that number thirteen slot, just because I'm an inquisitive person... So like an obsessive compulsive I check that damn webring every day. I haven't written her back yet but I must say I thought it was cool she wrote me such an outright honest mail. Few people will really tell you exactly what they think of you and when someone does, it's like a shot of morphine in your vein....

I'm slowly getting over my rush of emotion for ChI, which was mostly sparked at the fact that a good friend is leaving town. It does leave me open to pursue other women without her glares or sneers though, and there's a cute woman at the bar right now in leather pants and long dark hair. I can see through the door - I sneak glances at her as I type this. I think I'll excuse myself from this prose for a while, if you don't mind.


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations