december 15, 1999

As I was walking to the store this morning I came across an interesting fellow. He was asking for change in the little corner next to the biggest bank on the strip. I gave him a glance as I passed and even reached into my pocket to give him a quarter and a dime or whatever change I had in my pocket. As I was fumbling for some change he said to me, "I don't want your change." I looked a little perplexed and pulled a few quarters out of my pocket. "I don't want your change." He said again. I asked him why he was out here asking for change but he was refusing mine. He simply replied again, "I don't want your change." - emphasizing the 'your' part of his statement and looking at me with an intense glare. I put the change back in my pocket and walked away, saying nothing back to the man. I turned around and saw him accepting change from other passerby. I wondered why he wouldn't accept my money.

It's extremely weird to be in the subrocket during the day, as I am right now. The bar is empty and doesn't officially open for another hour. I am here doing 'bookkeeping' in the office - covertly updating my journal. This office is tiny and smells like stale cigarettes because Geoff chain smokes in here almost all night. The ashtrays are overflowing near the trashcan and as I smoke a cigarette I wonder where to find space to put it out. It smells like death in here. If I were to work in a place like this for 8 hours I'd either quit smoking or die. At least out in the bar area the ventilation is good enough to keep the smoke circulating out to the vents. In here, there's nothing but a tiny little fan - encrusted with god knows how many years of dust trailing pff the back.

I hope I'll get together with ChI this afternoon after her classes are over. This is finals week apparently and she'll have much more free time after this afternoon. I think she's planning on driving the ford out to statenfield with me this afternoon since neither of us have obligations. I have no work and she has no class.

On another note I've found some really interesting sites on this blklstd webring. I'm not really one for links pages (too self centered perhaps?) so I doubt I'll link to 'em. I don't spend much time surfing the web anyway - except when I'm stranded at work or in front of a friends computer (as I discussed earlier). Cheers.


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations