The rabbits are up and at it - bouncing across the grass to the woods in search of some food and other rabbit friends. I'm sitting on the porch reading in the warm sun, wishing I had a cold beer. It's the southern-California weather days like this that make me love working nights. And when I get to work I detest everyone around me - this dichotomy kind of gives me some energy to keep going. I think if I were immersed in a pleasant environment 24 hours a day I'd just become desensitized, comfortable, and complacent. My smoky wretched nights make me appreciate being outdoors so much more. Klepto girl is back from wherever she went for a few weeks. She stopped by this afternoon and we drank a bottle of wine together. I hadn't even noticed that she was gone but I didn't tell her this of course. She produced a small silver ring from her pocket and gave it to me "for health and luck" she says. She's having a party at her new place tomorrow night and says she invited ChI. I don't think she knows about me and Carly which can only be for the best. I told her I'd try to show up. I doubt I'll stay long - klepto girl has weird friends (like mine are so normal) and the prospect of an evening of alcohol, ChI, Carly, and Klepto Girl just sounds like too much work (given recent social developments) to be worth any fun. Flicking the rest of my cigarette into the street I am abandoning this entry for better things.
me - people - libations |