Singergirl got back late last night and we made resolves in the usual fashion. She climbed into bed with me after her cab got here and she got undressed. Her warmth pressed up against me was what awoke me - my bed has been cold and lonely these past nights. God just her smell and presence is enough to wake the deadest of sleeps. We made love for hours in the stillness of 3am and she had a smile on her face as she fell asleep with her head on my chest. I'm a lucky guy folks. For all of my complaining and incertainty she always manages to push all of that aside and make me realize a core of my sensibility I could never reach on my own. In this dingy cheap apartment, with the girl upstairs always playing her music too loud, I have found something incredibly valuable to me - a sense of presence and participation in my surroundings. Do you ever get the feeling you're just passing through life and lollygagging along with no clear purpose? She makes me realize my purpose.
me - people - libations |