I've been doing quite a bit of writing lately - mostly just some short prose things and a few short stories. Yeah, I'm working on the great American novel but I'm waiting for a grant to do that. laugh... I sent a few of the stories to local and regional publishers and am waiting to hear back on the results. I'm really looking for that writing support $$ you see, the piddly check that they send me for using my story in their publication. I'm hitching a ride up to New York City with Steve tomorrow morning to go pick up my new laptop and visit ChI for a day. I haven't seen her in quite some time, though we correspond by email occasionally. I tell her about singer-girl and about my day to day wanderings here - sometimes even cutting and pasting from this very journal my droogs! Singer-girl doesn't know much of anything about my relationship past or present with ChI. It's not so much that I don't want to tell her - it's just that I don't think I could accurately describe it. I've been accused on many occasions of having my cake and wanting to eat it too.
me - people - libations |