I called the singer-girl this morning around noon (yeah this is morning to late sleepers like me). I know she wasn't expecting to hear from me and had probably forgotten that she gave me her number. When she answered, "Hello?" in that tone of voice my heart just jumped. I played coolly aloof and she saw through my phone call, asking "What's up?" before even exchanging smalltalk. Always one for keeping it straight, I asked her out for the later evening - just a drink or two - but she said her band was playing downtown and she wouldn't be out until really late. "How about tomorrow?" She suggested... [holy shit!] So I accepted her offer and we made plans to meet at 10pm. This little exchange put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. It's been ages since I really chased after a woman I was interested in. Usually I seem to be the one to attract crushes or interest, but this time I'm pursuing singer girl full tilt. God it's so much more enjoyable - the little nervousness in my speech around her, the way I interpret every motion of body language, the expert memory I have for things as subtle even as her smell. She's a hottie. I spent the afternoon with Steve, gallivanting around town in his big black Ford truck. We hit a few antique stores and bought a dresser for Jen as well as some trinkets for her valentines day gift. She likes old farm equipment like scythes, hammers, hinges, etc. so Steve got her a whole basket full of the stuff. Fuck paper hearts - that's romance. We watched some silly movie on TV in the early evening, one of those stories about a nurse in a hospital who gets addicted to the painkillers she gives out to patients. Then she tries to go through rehab unsuccessfully until finding the man who can turn it all around for her. Jen was utterly disgusted by it and insisted we turn it off. So Steve and I picked up some instruments and jammed into the evening - making quite a bit of racket and drinking a lot of beer. In hindsight I am amazed the neighbors didn't call the police. They're probably used to Steve's late night woodworking/car-fixing antics by now.
me - people - libations |