february 7, 2000

Those Blklstd folks are gonna jump down my back again for not writing I am sure. *shrug* I typed an entry up on wednesday in the subrocket office - choosing to edit online rather than bring my disk with me from home. That was that last time I'll ever do that simply because I ended up deleting the entire entry I wrote without a backup. It's too easy to click that delete button, especially with a mind hazy from a previous night of drinking and debauchery.

So where did we leave our hero? Looking at my last entry. Ah yes, well I always seem to fall for girls in bands and the cute blonde girl was no exception. She flashed at me a certain charm and disapproval of my style that I just had to challenge. I rarely, if ever, chase after women that aren't a challenge. I suppose that's why I never really got into it with klepto girl - she hangs off my every word and doesn't ever even disagree with me. That doesn't hold my interest for long - once things get complacent I start getting nervous.

Through various means I found out where the singer-girl worked and I stopped by on Friday to say hi. She remembered me! Though when I offered to buy her a cup of coffee after work she stuttered an excuse that was obviously just that. As persistent as I am (and perhaps maybe a little stalker like?) I stopped by again an hour later when she got off - smoking a cigarette with her outside and talking pleasantly. She agreed to get a cup of coffee with me.

At coffee she was sarcastic and borderline rude - smirking at my pathetic jokes and my futile attempts to charm her. She saw through me like a pane of glass and god this attracted me to her more. The way she sat in her black skirt, knees folded, fingers holding that cigarette firmly as she sipped her coffee - tousled blonde hair blowing a little in the wind....

A half hour later it was, "Well Dean this has been nice but I've really got to get going. Again sometime? hehe" Oh she's everything. Everything I tell you.

The weather is getting warmer here and my blood is getting hotter - warming the ice around me and picking up the radio signals of libidos from surrounding counties. It's not even fucking spring yet and already I feel like chasing after this temptress in the black skirt. She's no good for me and I know it - which is why I want her so so bad...


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations