january 23, 2000

The modem was tossed for good reason it seems, so I am back to the confines of the subrocket office in cramped, smoke filled quarters. It's still comfortable though - I feel at home like a pig wrapped in a blanket. The shelves of loose papers and accounting books with ash trays for bookends are tranquil.

I went out to a movie with Klepto Girl last night and it was a pretty amicable evening - more than I expected. I always go into things with Klepto Girl half expecting the worst and always cautious but last night everything went without a hitch. She paid for the movie downtown and I bought the popcorn. She asked about ChI and we talked for a while. I let out more than I probably should have or perhaps meant to, but I was amazed at her interest in my affairs so I was very open with her. I think ChI would probably kill me if she knew that I even went out with klepto girl much less had a conversation about her! The movie was alright - it was some foreign film playing at the art house downtown and to be honest I don't even remember the name. I was just happy to be going out on a social occasion and not having to work for once!

After the movie we took a cab back to my place and had a few drinks, some coffee, and many cigarettes. God, my room is starting to smell like the subrocket office - it's terrible. I could tell she was getting a little anxious towards the end of the night - that look in her eyes and the way she sat close to me when there was no one else around. In my drunken mind I evaluated the situation like that song by the Clash - "Should I stay or should I go?" Out of loneliness and desire for human contact I let her stay. We slept relatively platonically, kissing a little and falling asleep with my arms around her.

God it was nice to be near her. I have no feelings for klepto girl whatsoever but the inherent serenity of being close to a woman in sleep. There are few things in this world which bring such peacefulness over me. I'm a sucker for that touch.

We awoke in the morning at almost the same time. She wanted to fool around, I just wanted to get up. I cooked some eggs for us and we went out for some coffee before stopping by Jen and Steve's for Sunday mouse hunt. They have a large problem with mice in their backyard and basement it seems. So occasionally on Sundays Steve will produce his slingshot and some ballbearings and we'll hunt mice in the backyard. It's not at all as difficult as it sounds, they're all over the place - especially scavenging for food and shelter on the cold ground. We drank some beers and shot at mice. I hit a few though I think I only killed one.

Klepto Girl left around 3pm but I stayed at the house until I had to go to work. As quiet as they are, those two are probably my best friends in this town. They're rarely judgemental except for with good reason and they seem to tolerate klepto girl on a regular basis, which is a feat unto itself.


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations