december 3, 1999

I got back from work early in the morning, around 4am, and just passed out on my bed - clothes still on and reeking of cigarettes and stale beer. I awoke sometime in the morning, took a shower, and changed into some bedclothes before continuing my sleep well into the early afternoon. I decided I should probably give ChI a call and tell her that I couldn't go out tonight. She was surprisingly nonchalant about it - but to be honest I didn't tell her I was going to a punkrock show out in the hills with klepto-girl. I can tell that she's a little upset I am not spending time with her tonight. I've spent every night of this past week with her and I am kind of anxious to get out and do something different and surround myself with different people.

I walked to the strip for some dinner and ran into the weekend-punkers and weekend-hippies. They were perched by the convenience store as usual - drinking grapefruit juice and smoking cigarettes covertly. I guess that's as much as high school kids can do to rebel, especially ones who only associate themselves with a particular subculture between the hours of 3:30pm Friday and midnight on Sunday. Those folks always amuse me and always have a story of two, whether or not they're true. I talked with them for ten minutes or so and then walked up to Joe's to get a grilled cheese and some tea.

I didn't speak to anyone in Joe's. I hardly ever go in there and the types that sit at the bar at 4pm on a friday typically make me very nervous. It's not that they're alcoholics - but they give off a very distinct and awkward glare as if to say, "This is all I have." It's depressing to see people with such a lack of thirst for the environment around them. How can you go through each day without being excited by something or wanting something. It seems that's all I ever do - and the social climate around me is ever changing.

I wasted a few hours at Jen and Steves and around 8pm klepto-girl stopped by. We packed up in her car with Jen and Steve and headed off driving to this show where klepto-girl's friends lived. It was quite a long drive but she seemed to know where she was going. All of us smoked cigarettes with the windows rolled down and klepto-girl bummed from all of us (of course) - though I was in the front seat so I seemed to be the one she bummed from the most - having only three cigarettes left by the time we got to the show.

There were a lot of kids milling around and drinking beer from a keg in the corner. We helped ourselves, being from the outside contingent at this basement show, and found most everyone there to be pretty friendly. Steve and I sat outside on the porch while the first few bands played and he related to me that he thinks klepto-girl has ulterior motives with inviting me to the show/party. He said she had been talking about me a lot and that she was really looking forward to this trip.

I shook my head and laughed it off, though I could hear her saying those words in my head. I smoked my last three cigarettes and we went inside while the third band was playing. Klepto-girl was dancing in the front and pulled me up to dance with her. I was feeling pretty drunk already after drinking rum on the porch with Steve and all the beer I had so I wasn't much in the mood for dancing. I went to the back and sat down on a couch surrounded by kids while Jen and Steve stood up front with the bands.

Here is where the story gets bad:

Klepto-girl comes walking back and spots me on the couch so she sits down next to me. I smiled politely and didn't talk much, I was pretty drunk and just zoning out watching the band. I caught her looking at me funny a few times - you know that kind of longing look that couples often get in the late hours of the evening close to the end of the party. It was making me a little uncomfortable but I was so drunk that I just passed it off in my mind.

Suddenly it happened, she leaned over to me and sucked my earlobe into her mouth. Now, I have to admit that it felt really good. I closed my eyes for a few seconds as she kissed me. Her mouth was so warm and comforting that in my state I just accepted it and smiled. When I felt her hand slide between my legs, however, it didn't feel right anymore. I pushed her back against the couch and didn't say anything - I just looked at her. She got up and tried to get me to stand up with her but I sat defiantly on the couch and told her that "I think we should leave." Without saying a word she grabbed Jen and Steve, we got in the car and took off.

No one said a word on the drive home. I think klepto-girl was upset at my rejection and probably didn't understand why if I let her suck my ear I wouldn't let her touch me. It really bothered me - so much so that I asked to be dropped off at ChI's instead of my own place. It was so good to see her when I walked in the door. All I wanted to do was curl up with her naked in bed and forget about the awkwardness of the evening. I told ChI what happened and she looked disgusted, furthering her annoyance with klepto-girl.

I never really got in trouble for spending the evening with klepto-girl for a few reasons. First, ChI had spent all evening alone and was really glad to see me and have my undying attention. Plus, klepto-girl has done this sort of thing before in trying to seduce me. And to top it all off ChI knows that she can rock me in bed and I wouldn't fuck that up by screwing around on her with klepto-girl.

I need to get some pictures up on this site, but without access to a digital camera or a scanner nearby that makes it a little difficult. I think ChI may have a picture of herself on her computer that she used in some art class. Maybe I can scam that.


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations