I went out in the early evening to the corner spot, looking for a couch to crash out on for a few hours. Jen and Steve were there already smoking cigarettes at the table and finishing off a bottle of wine that they bought last night. Jen looked like she was having a hard time with it, but Steve (as usual) had no problem with consuming massive quantities of vino - even before supper. I talked with them for a little while and smoked a cigarette myself before falling asleep like a cat curled up on the plush couch. I awoke around 10pm with ChI kissing my forehead saying, "It's time to go baby..." We made out for a little while there on the couch (Jen and Steve were nowhere to be found) and came damn near close to having sex when we both came to the realization that we were a) in someone else's house and b) in plain view of the street. This is not to say that ChI and I haven't been exhibitionists in the past, but our present 'relationship' (for lack of a better term) is a little more subdued than it used to be. I remember the days where we'd fuck like animals well into the afternoon. Now we're older with a little less energy for such marathons of passion. Our 'relationship' is much more off and on than it used to be. We get frustrated with eachother and date or fuck someone else for a week or so and then it's back together. She gave me a lift home in the ford and I sat down to work on the computer a bit. I decided to start this journal out of fulfilling those exhibitionist feelings of yore (reminded by the fact why we didn't fuck on the couch tonight). So, here they are - the travels and little adventures of me, Dean. Digital scribblings and semi-anonymous banter. It's all just a reminder of who I really am inside. me - people - libations |