april 12, 2000

Singer girl hasn't been around much the past few days so I have had a lot of time to myself. She's been acting a little strangely though I'm passing it off as the fact that she needs some time to herself too. We've been spending a LOT of time together and I think we both started to go a little crazy. Yesterday we got in a stupid little fight about something I don't even remember now. It escalated to her throwing a pan against the wall in the kitchen. We calmed down and eventually fell back into bed for requisite make up sex. I fell asleep and when I awoke she was gone.

I spent the afternoon and early evening by myself until she called and wanted to go out for a few drinks with me. Spending time together on neutral turf is better, I think, than staying cooped up in my apartment almost all day. We were both getting cabin fever pretty bad. Once I got home, drunk, I stayed up pretty late on my laptop doing some writing and chatting for a long time on ICQ. Accustomed to my bizarre schedule I was up until about 4am. I love the fact that a few readers have taken the time to chat with me.

I recieved my first rejection letter from a small area publisher today. At least they were kind enough to suggest some other places I might try sending my work. I think some revisions are in order, the stuff I sent was admittedly a little rough around the edges - I was just in a hurry to get it out.


yesterday - home - tomorrow
me - people - libations